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Football Films
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JM Henriksen
Posts: 435
Posted on 2009-05-13 8:45:49
North Dallas Forty, Leatherheads and (shocked this one hasn't been brought up already) Brians Song should be mentioned too. The Best of Times, Wildcats, Quarterback Princess (starring a young Helen Hunt), Lucas (co-starring an even younger Winona Ryder as well as Charlie Sheen), Everybody's All American and Gus also deserves to be mentioned.

The ones I'd personally recommend:
The Program
Varsity Blues
Brians Song (the remake from 2002 is pretty decent too)
Remember the Titans
We Are Marshall

Facing the Giants is on the other hand one of the worst movies I've seen!

Has anyone seen The Junction Boys?
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-05-13 12:08:19
So you all rate The Express then?

I was considering going to watch it, but it was only shown at the local cinema twice
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-05-13 16:33:53
Watching it now

Stuff like this hits me pretty hard.
Posts: 0
Posted on 2009-05-14 0:33:26
The Express > Remember the Titans
Piet Bringer
Posts: 2086
Posted on 2009-05-14 7:38:29
JM Henriksen wrote:

Facing the Giants is on the other hand one of the worst movies I've seen!

Has anyone seen The Junction Boys?

In my case i like this movie.
It shows how important the right motivation is.
Best Scene: the Def. cpt. on the deathcrawl blindfolded.
funniest scene: charles Schultz,Lindberg,Limburger,Hindenburg,etc
So enjoy
Posts: 1
Posted on 2009-05-14 10:59:17
Watched The Express yesterday.

Well made film with good writing and strong cast. Enjoyed it and would recommend it to everyone who likes football films, and even to those who know nothing about football. It's a well made film about a tragic event that many people probably know very little or nothing about.

couple of minor niggles for me though.

1. Editing was poor in some places, especially the football scenes. At one point the shot was a head on of eric running close to the sideline with ball in left hand. then it cut to a shot (assuming supposed to be same game/practice) where he has it in his right hand and would seem to be nowhere near the sideline.

2. The cotton bowl game took place on Jan 1st 1960. Just before the scene where Eric is told he is in the final 3 for the heissman it says "two years later" which would make it January 1962 he is notified. then the award ceremony takes place and the graphic says "december 1961"

Anyone who reads Marvel Collector comics will know what a no-prize is so feel free to post your no-prizes for these.

Here are mine

1. As the producer wanted to make the film as realistic as possible he filmed this piece of play in one take on multiple cameras. but the guy playing eric was so fast that he cut inside a tackle (taking him away from the sideline) and as all good footballers know when running with the ball you switch hands if you think you'll be tackled so whilst avoiding a 2nd tackle from the left switched hands. This all happened in the 0.00005 seconds it takes to switch camera angles.

2. Because of the race issues at the time the coach didn't tell Eric he was into the final 3 until January 1962. He was afraid of what might happen. after finding out Eric contacted Doc Brown (Back to the future) to borrow his flux capacitor and using a toilet seat and paint tins built a time machine in order to go back in time by 1 month to collect the trophy
Posts: 8799
Posted on 2009-05-14 19:56:11
I'm not real sure when the Heisman was given out back then, but now it's given in early December. So it could very well could have December 1961, and considering January 1st, 1960 would have been the first day that wasn't in December 1959 I'd still consider it 2 years later.

But I can definitely see where the confusion comes from there.

I'm gonna have to check out The Express here soon.
Posts: 1
Posted on 2009-05-15 15:03:39
I was just yanking some chains. Not really bothered about the slight discrepancy in time frame.

Damn good film though.
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