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Causing a Ripple
Big Smeet
Posts: 0
Posted on 2012-08-15 15:48:19
Hi folks just joined a few weeks ago and stay in Scotland, after trawling the forums for over a week I have picked up some useful information and some not so I play Hattrick which is the same sort of idea as this but soccer related, (same team name as here). I was hoping someone could help me, do you have to play a friendly each week to maximise training, and what days are the training, finance updates. The reason its causing a ripple because i won my 1st game and like a ripple hope to in advance for any help....
Posts: 0
Posted on 2012-08-16 13:10:46
Mondays = Friendlies
Wednesdays = Financial update
Thursdays = Nutrition centre
Fridays = Training update

good luck and welcome.
Big Smeet
Posts: 0
Posted on 2012-08-16 20:58:58

Cheers for the information, just gotta try work out what players to keep and a decent formation for now...a few bots in my league so a good place to start, hopefully not to many errors in my Trial and error
Posts: 1475
Posted on 2012-10-17 17:02:02
Training has nothing to do with friendlies.

Friendlies - purely extra cash. Will get you something like 80,000-160,000 a week depending on who you play.

Remember to do your game day sponsors after every game, including friendlies to maximise cash.

Train all your players on physical skills first, speed/strength and stamina. And check the training details on a player's page, if the star is red it means that skill can't go higher. On players speed and strength stop at a random amount. So you might be lucky and get a player who goes to 20, or stops at 10. Stamina can go all the way to 20.

Talent denotes how high the attributes can go. 4 star talent... vision/passing/whatever can go to 18. 1 star talent and it can go to 12. 3.5 stars, 17.

Physicals don't affect wages too much. Primary attributes for the player affect wages. for a QB, 10 passing means around 11k a week in wages. 20 in passing is 105,000 a week in wages. You get the idea. SO do the physicals first if you want good players without costing you the earth to begin with.

Build VIP seats first, wait for two week gaps when playing away for two weeks in a row and then friendlies away. Then when they're maxed build exec.

Don't buy any players until you have both of those maxed. I'd say don't buy any players until you have 50,000 seater, but that's just me.

It's all about patience.

Remember, if a player is a linebacker, if he has good stats for a QB you can make him a QB just by playing him long enough to get his QB Rating up.

So with your team you might find you cap speed on your offensive line at 19, but on some of your corners they have speed of 12 and strength of 18. Switch their positions. Play them long enough and they will become 5 star rated in their new position after a couple of seasons.
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