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New NT coaches and World Cup Qualification?
dioadamGI Supporter
Posts: 5
Joined: 2018-01-07
Posted on 2023-12-07 9:35:44
Hi guys!

I saw that team Slovenia doesn't have a coach. Can I apply for that position?
I wrote ~2 weeks ago via contact us but I didn't receive any answers.

Thanks and have a nice day.
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)EnefelGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2023-12-07 12:32:50
dioadam wrote:

Hi guys!

I saw that team Slovenia doesn't have a coach. Can I apply for that position?
I wrote ~2 weeks ago via contact us but I didn't receive any answers.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Retry at

it is also possible that since the first game has already been played, it is no longer possible
justagameGI Supporter
Posts: 57
Joined: 2021-03-05
Posted on 2023-12-08 21:46:12
Radu27 wrote:

justagame wrote:

Coach for Croatia is Moran20 who is owner of club Romanian Sharks II. Croatia is in same group as Romania, coach of Romania is owner of Constantza Ravens. Who do you think will win today in this match?

What can i say, unlucky draw and this game is next week.

Yes, indeed. Although the draw was unfortunate, a noticeable lapse in the preparation of the offensive tactic by the Croatian coach is evident; they did not set up a tactic despite having no injured players. This raises concerns regarding fair play in the competition. If some teams are not fully committed to the game, it can undermine the overall integrity of the competition.
LucaFGI Supporter
Posts: 738
Joined: 2014-01-10
Posted on 2024-04-02 19:25:53
4 National Teams are without a coach, if you are interested in one of them, you can apply using the "Contact us" form at the bottom of the page

IRON BOWL Winner S37
x2 Central Europe League Champion (S26 & S33)
x3 Central Europe Regional Cup Winner (S31, S34 & S36)
Norway NT - WC 30 Champion

LucaFGI Supporter
Posts: 738
Joined: 2014-01-10
Posted on 2024-04-04 11:25:54
Portugal and Netherlands are without a coach, if you are interested in one of them, you can apply using the "Contact us" form at the bottom of the page

IRON BOWL Winner S37
x2 Central Europe League Champion (S26 & S33)
x3 Central Europe Regional Cup Winner (S31, S34 & S36)
Norway NT - WC 30 Champion

Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)simpathiaGI Supporter
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Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2024-04-04 12:25:35
LucaF wrote:

Portugal and Netherlands are without a coach, if you are interested in one of them, you can apply using the "Contact us" form at the bottom of the page

I volunteered for the Dutch NT.

Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)shmertnicknameGI Supporter
Posts: 2509
Joined: 2011-10-17
Hard-core fan (ultimate supporter owner)
Posted on 2024-04-05 15:19:44
another WC already?!?!?!

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